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Ramesh Shrestha

Ramesh Shrestha


Ramesh comes from the beautiful Himalayan country of Nepal. His passion to work in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) began soon after completing his Master’s Degree in Environmental Sciences from Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 2012, when he took up a position at the NGO Mercy Corps. Since then, he has worked with various organizations focussing on community based disaster risk reduction projects that try to help communities who live with hazardous conditions such as floods, earthquakes and landslides in many different parts of Nepal.

Ramesh joined Durham University in February 2019 to pursue his PhD, which focusses on the interconnections between culture and landslide risk. His past experience as a DRM practitioner includes working with communities on vulnerability capacity assessments, the development of community based flood and landslide early warning systems, community based climate change adaptation and disaster risk management planning, and community based advocacy for DRM. After completing his doctoral research, Ramesh aspires to continue working with marginalized communities and policy makers to contribute achieving sustainable results in DRM in Nepal and beyond.


Department of Geography

PhD Project

Exploring synergies and opportunities at the interface between culture, ritual and science for landslide risk reduction

The aim of this PhD is to understand the relationship between cultures, political, economic and social factors influencing landslide vulnerability and risk reduction and co-produce landslide early warning systems in one of the most landslide prone districts of Nepal. The project will work with Tamang ethnic groups, which are amongst the most marginalize and vulnerable groups to landslides in Nepal.



Supervisory Team

Prof. Nick Rosser (Department of Geography)

Dr. Ben Campbell (Department of Anthropology)

Dr. Katie Oven (Department of Geography)

Dr. Megh Nath Dhital (Central Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University)

Dr. Mukta S. Tamang  (Central Department of Anthropology, Tribhuvan University)

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Read our Durham Global Challenges Centre for Doctoral Training Brochure:
Brochure DU GCRF-CDT 

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These sustainable development goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change. All of the Durham Global Challenges – CDT projects are linked to one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, to work together to build a better future for everyone.

The Durham GCRF-CDT students focused on productive writing at Dove Marine (Newcastle University) on the coast of Cullercoats. They used their time to prepare for their Formal Progression Review. This requires the students to submit for assessment a substantive piece of work as defined by their departments. The structured programme included a break with an outdoor activity.

A member of the Durham Centre for Academic Development facilitated the event for the CDT.

The Durham Global Challenges CDT Trip 2019

On 1st July 2019 the Durham Global Challenges-CDT organised a trip to the Angel of the North, Bamburgh, Seahouses and the Farne Islands. The trip offered a unique cultural learning experience of English heritage in North East England and provided an opportunity to network and socialise with the cohort.

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The video visualizes the yield comparison of rice production after flooding in rice fields, to the left IR64 including sub1, to the right IR64 without sub1

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